Matches played at Peel Park, Accrington Date of match | Type of match | Name of team | Name of team | Score | Attendance | 29 January 1934 | Division Three (North) Cup 1st round | Accrington Stanley | Halifax Town | 2-2 | 882 | 27 February 1935 | Division Three (North) Cup 1st round | Accrington Stanley | Stockport County | 1-2 | 500 | 16 September 1935 | Division Three (North) Cup 1st round | Accrington Stanley | Carlisle United | 3-3 | - | 2 January 1939 | Division Three (North) Cup 1st round | Accrington Stanley | Rochdale | 2-1 | 1,663 | 8 March 1939 | Division Three (North) Cup quarter-final | Accrington Stanley | Barrow | 4-3 | 250 | 26 April 1939 | Division Three (North) Cup semi-final replay | Accrington Stanley | New Brighton | 2-0 | 1,400 |

Peel Park 25 April 1959 - Accrington Stanley versus Plymouth Argyle (final score 1-1) 
