Matches played at Loakes Park, High Wycombe Date of match | Type of match | Name of team | Name of team | Score | Attendance | 1895-96 season | FA Cup 1st qualifying round | Wycombe Wanderers | Wolverton LNWR | 2-3 | - | 28th February 1948 | International under-18 Home Championship | England | Wales | 4-3 | over 8,000 | 25th October 1958 | International Amateur match | England | South Africa | 2-2 | 8,000 | 24th September 1960 | British Amateur Championship | England | Northern Ireland | 3-2 | 7,000 | 16th September 1961 | International Amateur match | England | Iceland | 1-0 | 3,688 | 18th October 1965 | International Amateur match | Wycombe Wanderers | England | 0-0 | - | 28th February 1970 | International Amateur match | England | Republic of Ireland | 3-1 | 2,816 | 25th February 1972 | International Amateur match | England | Republic of Ireland | 2-0 | 1,400 | 19th February 1973 | International Amateur match | England | Aston Villa | 2-1 | - |
